This project emerged from the initial concept of limit. Starting from this point, we began to question what constitutes the boundary between public and private space and how we citizens coexist with it in a pre-established and fixed way. "Borders" is therefore an experimental project that through the creation of structures that represent everyday actions of private space installed in public space, aims to erase this strong border between the two types of spaces.
Nine colleagues were divided into four groups and each one had the freedom to build a structure with the material we provided: square iron bars of three different sizes, rods, screws and tools. It was interesting to observe how each group created a very different structure according to their conception of actions that take place in the private space: resting, cooking, reading.... All of them complemented each other and made us reflect on the interesting dynamics that could be generated within a neighborhood if the neighbors "took part of their house to the street" to eliminate this pronounced barrier and discover a new concept of community.