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places from no-places: El Nus de la Trinitat

This project, carried out as part of the spatial experimentation course, offered us the opportunity to design under very different conditions than usual. Starting from an initial research on the outskirts and urban voids, we had to choose a place that matched the characteristics of this kind of spaces: inhospitable, unfinished, unresolved, chaotic, residual...


We found a large piece of land located between the roads of the Nus de la Trinidad in Barcelona that was used as a dumping ground for urban material, mostly street lamps and traffic lights. The particularity of this road junction is that it is located between residential neighborhoods, being a considerable obstacle in the urban landscape as well as for the communication between them, so this issue was a potential point to start from in out project.

See more images of the site HERE

Captura de pantalla 2020-09-16 a las 12.
Captura de pantalla 2020-09-14 a las 17.
Captura de pantalla 2020-09-14 a las 17.

 The aim of the proposed intervention was therefore to oppose in a visually noticeable way the monumentalism that urban and industrial constructions impose on us by force, encouraging the appreciation of residual spaces, seeing them as an opportunity. The project therefore consisted of a large structure that acted as a space for the promotion of activities, cultural exchange, debate, open to different initiatives and where a wide variety of dynamics could be developed, involving the residents of the surrounding neighborhoods. In this way, the goal was to create a new intersection that brought back together what since always had been separating, offering a public space for interaction. 

Captura de pantalla 2020-09-14 a las 17.
Captura de pantalla 2020-09-16 a las 12.
Captura de pantalla 2020-09-14 a las 17.
Captura de pantalla 2020-09-16 a las 12.
Captura de pantalla 2020-09-14 a las 17.
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